TWELITE DIP connected to UART with TWELITE R products/TWE-Lite-DIP/index.html) etc.
Packets addressed to the Parent Node can also be received by Parent_MONOSTICK.
Explanation of ACT
voidsetup() {auto&& set =the_twelite.settings.use<STG_STD>();auto&& nwk<NWK_SIMPLE>(); /*** INTERACTIE MODE */ // settings: configure items set << SETTINGS::appname("WirelessUART"); set << SETTINGS::appid_default(DEFAULT_APP_ID); // set default appID set << SETTINGS::ch_default(DEFAULT_CHANNEL); // set default channel set << SETTINGS::lid_default(DEFAULT_LID); // set default lid set.hide_items(E_STGSTD_SETID::OPT_DWORD2, E_STGSTD_SETID::OPT_DWORD3, E_STGSTD_SETID::OPT_DWORD4, E_STGSTD_SETID::ENC_KEY_STRING, E_STGSTD_SETID::ENC_MODE);
set.reload(); // load from EEPROM. /*** SETUP section */ // the twelite main class the_twelite<< set // from iteractive mode (APPID/CH/POWER)<< TWENET::rx_when_idle(); // open receive circuit (if not set, it can't listen packts from others) // Register Network nwk << set; // from interactive mode (LID/REPEAT) /*** BEGIN section */SerialParser.begin(PARSER::ASCII,128); // Initialize the serial parserthe_twelite.begin(); // start twelite! /*** INIT message */ Serial <<"--- WirelessUart (id="<<int(nwk.get_config().u8Lid) <<") ---"<< mwx::crlf;}
Interactive settings mode is initialized. This sample provides two or more devices that have different logical device IDs (LIDs) from each other.
while(Serial.available()) {if (SerialParser.parse( { Serial <<".."<< SerialParser;constuint8_t* b =SerialParser.get_buf().begin();uint8_t addr =*b; ++b; // the first byte is destination address.transmit(addr, b,SerialParser.get_buf().end()); }}
When data input from the serial is received, one byte is input to the serial parser. When the ASCII format is accepted to the end, SerialParser.parse() returns true.
The SerialParser can access the internal buffer with smplbuf. In the example above, the first byte of the buffer is taken as the destination address, and the second byte to the end is passed to the transmit() function.
When a packet is received, a buffer smplbuf_u8<128> buf containing the payload followed by the source as the first byte is created and output serially from the serial parser serparser_attach pout for output.
voidon_rx_packet(packet_rx& rx,bool_t&handled) { // check the packet header.constuint8_t* p =rx.get_payload().begin();if (rx.get_length() >4&&!strncmp((constchar*)p, (constchar*)FOURCHARS,4)) { Serial <<format("..rx from %08x/%d",rx.get_addr_src_long(),rx.get_addr_src_lid()) << mwx::crlf; smplbuf_u8<128> buf; mwx::pack_bytes(buf ,uint8_t(rx.get_addr_src_lid()) // src addr (LID),make_pair(p+4,rx.get_payload().end()) ); // data body serparser_attach pout;pout.begin(PARSER::ASCII,buf.begin(),buf.size(),buf.size()); Serial << pout; }}
command for testing
Test data must be entered into the terminal using the paste function. This is because there is a timeout for input.
Note: To paste in TWE Programmer or TeraTerm, use Alt+V.
CR LF is required at the end of the input.
At first try a series ending in X where CR LF can be omitted. If no terminating string is entered, the series will be ignored.
Send 00112233 to any Child Node.
Send AABBCC00112233 to Child Node #3.
Sent to any Parent Node or Child Node (0xFF) and to the Parent Node (0x00).