Parent application (for MONOSTICK)

This act uses MONOSTICK as a parent device. It outputs the data payload of packets from the child machine to the serial port. It can display packets in many samples of sample acts.

This act includes

  • Receiving wireless packets

  • Data interpretation of received packets

  • Interactive mode settings - <STG_STD>

  • Conversion of byte strings to ASCII format - serparser

Act Features

  • Receives packets from the child of the sample act and outputs them to the serial port.

How to use Act

TWELITE and wiring required


Parent Device

Child Device

Sample Act Child Setup (e.g. Slp_Wk_and_Tx, PAL_AMB, PAL_MAG, PAL_MOT???, etc...)

Please check the following default settings at first.

  • Application ID: 0x1234abcd

  • Channel: 13

Act Explanation

Declaration part


// use twelite mwx c++ template library
#include <TWELITE>
#include <MONOSTICK>
#include <NWK_SIMPLE>
#include <STG_STD>

Include board behavior for <MONOSTICK>. This board support includes LED control and watchdog support.

  • <NWK_SIMPLE> Loads the definition of a simple relay net

  • <STG_STD> Loads the interactive mode definition


// application ID
const uint32_t DEFAULT_APP_ID = 0x1234abcd;
// channel
const uint8_t DEFAULT_CHANNEL = 13;
// option bits
uint32_t OPT_BITS = 0;

/*** function prototype */
bool analyze_payload(packet_rx& rx);

Declaration of default values, function prototypes, etc.


auto&& brd = the_twelite.board.use<MONOSTICK>();
auto&& set = the_twelite.settings.use<STG_STD>();
auto&& nwk =<NWK_SIMPLE>();

In setup(), first load the <MONOSTICK> board behavior, the <STG_STD> interactive mode behavior, and the <NWK_SIMPLE> behavior using use<>. This procedure is always done in setup().

set << SETTINGS::appname("PARENT"); // Title in the settings screen
set << SETTINGS::appid_default(DEFAULT_APP_ID); // Application ID Default
set << SETTINGS::ch_default(DEFAULT_CHANNEL); // channel default
set << SETTINGS::lid_default(0x00); //LID Default
set.reload(); // Read settings from non-volatile memory
OPT_BITS = set.u32opt1(); // Example of reading (option bits)

The interactive mode is then set up and the settings are read out. The <STG_STD> interactive mode provides standard items, but allows for some customization for each act you create.

  • appname→ Act name that appears in the title line of the configuration screen

  • appid_default→ Default Application ID

  • ch_default→ Default channel

  • lid_default→ Default value of device ID (LID)

  • .hide_items()→ Item Hide Settings

Always call .reload() before reading the configuration values. Each set value has its own method for reading, such as .u32opt1().

	<< set                    // Reflects interactive mode settings
	<< TWENET::rx_when_idle() // Set RF to receive when idle.

// Register Network
nwk << set;		            // Reflects interactive mode settings
nwk << NWK_SIMPLE::logical_id(0x00) // Only the LID is reconfigured.

Some settings can be directly reflected using <STG_STD> objects. In addition, if you want to rewrite a specific value due to a DIP switch setting, for example, you can rewrite the value separately after it is reflected. In the above example, the application ID, channel, radio output, etc. are set in the_twelite object, the LID and the retransmission count are set in the nwkobject, and then the LID is set to 0 again.

brd.set_led_red(LED_TIMER::ON_RX, 200); // RED (on receiving)
brd.set_led_yellow(LED_TIMER::BLINK, 500); // YELLOW (blinking)

Procedures for controlling LED lighting are available in the <MONOSTICK> board behaviour.

The first line sets the red LED to switch on for 200 ms after receiving a radio packet. The first parameter LED_TIMER::ON_RX means when a radio packet is received; the second specifies the lighting time in ms.

The second line specifies the blinking of the LEDs: the first parameter LED_TIMER::BLINK specifies the blinking, the second parameter is the blinking on/off switching time: every 500ms the LEDs are switched on and off (i.e. Repeat blinking with a 1 s cycle).

the_twelite.begin(); // start twelite!

Procedure for starting the_twelite, which did not appear in act0..4, but must be called if you have configured the_twelite or registered various behaviours.


There is no processing during loop() in this sample.

void loop() {


Callback function called when a packet is received. In this example, some output is produced for the received packet data.

void on_rx_packet(packet_rx& rx, bool_t &handled) {  
	Serial << ".. coming packet (" << int(millis()&0xffff) << ')' << mwx::crlf;

	// packet analyze


The analyze_payload() called at the end of the function contains code to interpret some sample act packets. Refer to the code in correspondence with the packet generation part in the sample act.

bool b_handled = false;

uint8_t fourchars[4]{};
auto&& np = expand_bytes(
	    rx.get_payload().begin(), rx.get_payload().end()
		, fourchars
if (np == nullptr) return;

// display fourchars at first
	<< fourchars 
	<< format("(ID=%d/LQ=%d)", rx.get_addr_src_lid(), rx.get_lqi())
	<< "-> ";

This function first reads the four-character identification data into the fourchars[4] array.

Reading is done using the expand_bytes() function.The first and second parameters of this function follow the C++ standard library's practice of giving the first pointer .begin() and the next .end() of the payload section of the incoming packet. The following parameters are variable arguments, giving the data variables to be read. The return value is nullptr in case of an error, otherwise the next interpretation pointer. If interpreted to the end, .end() is returned. The parameter here is uint8_t fourchars[4].

This description only supports the uint8_t[N] type, where the array length N is specified; when using the uint8*, char*, char[] types, etc., the specification must be made using make_pair(char*,int).

char fourchars[5]{}; // Allocate 5 bytes including the terminating character `\0`.
auto&& np = expand_bytes(
	    rx.get_payload().begin(), rx.get_payload().end()
		, make_pair((char *)fourchars, 4)

Processing is then carried out for the 4-byte header. Here, the packets of the sample act Slp_Wk_and_Tx are interpreted and the contents are displayed.

// Slp_Wk_and_Tx
if (!b_handled && !strncmp(fourchars, "TXSP", 4)) {
	b_handled = true;
	uint32_t tick_ms;
	uint16_t u16work_ct;

	np = expand_bytes(np, rx.get_payload().end()
		, tick_ms
		, u16work_ct

	if (np != nullptr) {
		Serial << format("Tick=%d WkCt=%d", tick_ms, u16work_ct);
	} else {
		Serial << ".. error ..";

Set b_handled to true so that the other interpreters' decisions are skipped.

"TXSP" packets contain the values of a system timer count of type uint32_t and a dummy counter of type uint16_t. Each variable is declared and read using the expand_bytes() function. The difference from the above is that the first parameter is np as the first pointer to read. The tick_ms and u16work_ct are given as parameters and the value stored in the payload is read as a big-endian format byte sequence.

If the readout is successful, the contents are output and the process is complete.

Define and output your own ASCII format

It is structured by ASCII format in a user-defined order.

smplbuf_u8<128> buf;
	, uint8_t(rx.get_addr_src_lid()		// Logical ID of the sender
	, uint8_t(0xCC)											   // 0xCC
	, uint8_t(rx.get_psRxDataApp()->u8Seq)	// Sequence number of the packet
	, uint32_t(rx.get_addr_src_long())	// Serial number of the sender.
	, uint32_t(rx.get_addr_dst())		// destination address
	, uint8_t(rx.get_lqi())			// LQI:Link Quality Indicator
	, uint16_t(rx.get_length())		// Number of following bytes
	, rx.get_payload() 			// data payload

serparser_attach pout;
pout.begin(PARSER::ASCII, buf.begin(), buf.size(), buf.size());

Serial << "FMT PACKET -> ";
pout >> Serial;
Serial << mwx::flush;

The first line declares a buffer as a local object to store the data sequence before conversion to ASCII format.

The second line uses pack_bytes() to store the data sequence into the buf mentioned earlier. See comments in the source code for the data structure. The pack_bytes() parameter can also be a container of the form smplbuf_u8 (smplbuf<uint8_t, ALLOC>).

The sequence number of the packet is automatically set by <NWK_SIMPLE> and is assigned in the order of the transmitted packets. This value is used for packet duplication detection.

The LQI (Link Quality Indicator) is a value corresponding to the signal strength at the time of reception; the higher the value, the stronger the field strength. However, there is no strict relationship defined between this value and the physical quantity, and even if the LQI is higher relative to the noise in the environment, more noise will also reduce the success rate of communication.

Lines 13, 14 and 17 are the declaration, configuration and output of the serial parser.

Dump output including NWK_SIMPLE header.

The first output (which is prevented from being executed by if(0)) displays all data including the control data of <NWK_SIMPLE>. There are 11 bytes of control data. Normally, the control information is not directly referenced.

serparser_attach pout;
pout.begin(PARSER::ASCII, rx.get_psRxDataApp()->auData, 
    rx.get_psRxDataApp()->u8Len, rx.get_psRxDataApp()->u8Len);

Serial << "RAW PACKET -> ";
pout >> Serial;
Serial << mwx::flush;

// Reference: packet structure of the control unit.
// uint8_t  : 0x01 fixws
// uint8_t  : LID of sender
// uint32_t : Long address (Serial Number) of sender
// uint32_t : Destination address
// uint8_t  : Number of repeating

The first line declares the serial parser for output as a local object. It does not have an internal buffer, but diverts an external buffer and uses the output function of the parser to output the byte sequence in the buffer in ASCII format

The second line sets the buffer for the serial parser. It specifies an already existing data array, i.e. the payload part of the incoming packet. serparser_attach pout declares the serial parser using an already existing buffer. The first parameter of pout.begin() specifies the corresponding format of the parser as PARSER::ASCII, i.e. ASCII format; the second specifies the first address of the buffer; the third specifies the The length of valid data in the buffer and the fourth specifies the maximum length of the buffer. The fourth parameter has the same value as the third, as it is for output and is not used for format interpretation.

Output to the serial port in line 6 using the >> operator.

The Serial << mwx::flush in line 7 is a specification to wait until the output of data that has not been output here is finished. (Serial.flush() is the same process.)
