
The core class object of TWENET (mwx::twenet)

The the_twelite object summarizes the procedures for using TWENET and includes procedures for operating the wireless microcontroller, such as basic wireless settings, sleep, and other procedures.


the_twelite is set up in the setup() function, which also calls the_twelite.begin() to start the process. It is not possible to set up the_twelite except in setup().

void setup() {
		<< TWENET::appid(APP_ID)    
		<< TWENET::channel(CHANNEL) 
		<< TWENET::rx_when_idle();  

In the above example, the application ID is set, the communication channel is set, and the receiving circuit is set.

Various procedures are included.

// Get a serial number
uint32_t u32hwser = the_twelite.get_hw_serial();

// Set channel to 11

// Sleep for 1 second.

// Perform a reset

It is also possible to register classes that handle wireless networks, classes that summarize board support, and classes that perform event-driven processing described by the user. By registering these classes, dedicated functions can be easily used. These classes are referred to as "behaviors" in this explanation.

void setup() {
	/*** SETUP section */
	// use PAL_AMB board support.
	auto&& brd = the_twelite.board.use<PAL_AMB>();
	// Register Network
	auto&& nwk =<NWK_SIMPLE>();
	nwk << NWK_SIMPLE::logical_id(u8ID);

In the above example, two types of behaviors are registered: environmental sensor pal behavior <PAL_AMB> and simple relay network <NWK_SIMPLE>. By registering these, hardware such as sensors on the environmental sensor pal can be easily handled. In addition, the complicated handling of wireless packets can be implicitly provided with functions such as relay processing and automatic discarding of duplicate packet arrivals.


The MWX library defines other methods in addition to those introduced here.

Act descriptions include those that are not directly related to the act description, those that are set up but do not function effectively, and those that are used internally.

<<operator (setting)

The << operator is used to initialize the object the_twelite.

The following configuration class objects are used as input, and default values are applied if no configuration is made.

TWENET::appid(uint32_t id)

Set the parameter id to the specified application ID. This is a required specification.

Reading the settings is done with uint32_t the_twelite.get_appid().

TWENET::channel(uint8_t ch)

Set the specified channel number (11..26) in parameter ch.

Reading the settings is done with uint8_t the_twelite.get_channel().

TWENET::tx_power(uint8_t pw)

Parameter pw is set to (0. 3) for the radio output. The default is (3: no output attenuation).

Reading the settings is done with uint8_t the_twelite.get_tx_power().

TWENET::rx_when_idle(uint8_t bEnable)

If the parameter bEnable is 1, the receiver circuit is always activated and can receive radio packets from others. The default is 0, which is dedicated to transmission only.

Reading the settings is done with uint8_t the_twelite.get_rx_when_idle().

TWENET::chmgr(uint8_t ch1 = 18, uint8_t ch2 = 0, uint8_t ch3 = 0)

Enables the channel manager. If multiple channels are specified, sending/receiving is performed on multiple channels; if 0 is specified for ch2 and ch3, the specification is disabled.


Reflects the setting values in interactive mode.

auto&& set = the_twelite.settings.use<STG_STD>();
set.reload();       // Load settings
the_twelite << set; // Reflects interactive mode settings

The items that will be reflected are as follows

  • app_id

  • channel

  • tx_power

  • Number of retransmissions when MAC ack is used

There are other settings in the MWX library code that are irrelevant to the library's functionality at this time or that may cause conflicts if set.


void begin()

It is executed after preconfiguration (see << operator) and registration of the behavior. It is usually placed at the end of the setup() function.

  • the_twelite finished setting up

  • Behavior initialization

TWENET initialization is also performed after the setup() function exits. Since many processes are to be executed after setup() exits, do not do anything other than initialization here.

void setup() {
	// use PAL_AMB board support.
	auto&& brd = the_twelite.board.use<PAL_AMB>();
	// settings
		<< TWENET::appid(APP_ID)    
		<< TWENET::channel(CHANNEL) 
		<< TWENET::rx_when_idle();  
	// Register Network
	auto&& nwk =<NWK_SIMPLE>();
	nwk << NWK_SIMPLE::logical_id(u8ID);
	// somo others
	// begin the TWENET!


inline bool change_channel(uint8_t u8Channel)

Changes channel settings. On failure, the channel is not changed and false is returned.


uint8_t get_channel_phys()

Obtains the currently set channel number (11..26) from the MAC layer API.


inline uint32_t get_hw_serial()

Get the module serial number.


inline void sleep(
        uint32_t u32Periodms, 
        bool_t bPeriodic = true, 
        bool_t bRamOff = false, 
        uint8_t u8Device = TWENET::SLEEP_WAKETIMER_PRIMARY)

Put the module to sleep.

Before sleep, the on_sleep() method of the built-in object or behavior is called to perform the pre-sleep procedure. After returning from sleep, the opposite procedure is performed by the on_wakeup() method.


bool is_wokeup_by_dio(uint8_t port)

Returns true if the return factor from sleep is the specified digital pin.


bool is_wokeup_by_wktimer()

Returns true if the wake-up timer is the wake-up factor for returning from sleep.


inline void reset_system()

Resets the system. After reset, the process starts from setup().


inline void stop_watchdog()

Stops the watchdog timer. Stop the timer if you are going to wait for polling for a long time.

The watchdog timer is restarted each time in the main loop inside the library. It takes about 4 seconds for the timer to run out and reset.


inline void restart_watchdog()

Restart the watchdog timer.


Three behaviors can be registered with the_twelite, and the following class objects are defined to store them.

  • network : A behavior that implements a network. Normally, <NWK_SIMPLE> is registered.

  • network2 : BEHAVIOR that implements networking. Use this behavior if you want another network BEHAVIOR to process packets which were not accepted by the first network due to the data structure of the payload or other reasons. (Reference: Using NWK_LAYERED and NWK_SIMPLE together)

  • board: Behaviors for board support. Procedures for using each device on the board are added.

  • app: Behaviors describing user applications. Behaviors can be written in terms of interrupts, events, and state transitions using state machines. It is also easy to define multiple application descriptions and select an application with completely different behavior at startup.

  • settings: Behavior for performing configuration (interactive mode). Registers <STG_STD>.


// example
auto&& brd = the_twelite.board.use<PAL_AMB>();

Register behavior . Registration is done within setup(). The return value is a reference to the object corresponding to the registered behavior.

After registration, the object is retrieved in the same way as at the time of registration.

If an incorrect behavior is specified, a panic operation (infinite loop) occurs and program operation stops.

It is not intended to declare objects of the behavior as global variables. Please use use<B>() for each use.

void loop() {
  auto&& nwk =<NWK_SIMPLE>();

However, it is possible to define a pointer to an object in a global variable and write as follows (The MWX library has a policy of minimizing the use of pointer types and using reference types, so the following description is not recommended.)

NWK_SIMPLE *pNwk = nullptr;

setup() {
  auto&& nwk =<NWK_SIMPLE>();
	pNwk = &nwk;

void transmit() {
  if (auto&& pkt = pNwk->prepare_tx_packet()) {

class object.

the_twelite defines the three class objects board, network, and app mentioned above, but also the following


Notification of transmission completion status.

The description of the event-driven behavior is managed by the transmit_complete() callback.


bool is_complete(uint8_t cbid)

Returns true when the packet with the specified ID has completed transmission.


bool is_success(uint8_t cbid)

Returns true when the packet with the specified ID has completed transmission and has been successfully sent.


Retrieve incoming packets.

In the event-driven behavior description, it is obtained in the receive() callback.

The received packet data obtained by the read() method is designed to be overwritten when subsequent packets are received and processed. If you read the data immediately after available() and do some short processing, this will not be a problem, but as a general rule, read the data, copy the data needed for application use, and finish loop() promptly. For example, a long delay() during loop() will cause incoming packets to be dropped.


bool available()

Returns true if there is an incoming packet that has not yet been read.


packet_rx& read()

Read packets.
