SPI (using member functions)

SPI access (using member functions)

After initializing the hardware by the begin() method, the bus can be read and written by beginTransaction(). Executing beginTransaction() selects the SPI select pin. Read/write is done with the transfer() function; SPI reads and writes at the same time.


void beginTransaction()
void beginTransaction(SPISettings settings)

Starts the use of the bus; sets the SPI select pin.

If called with the settings parameter given, the bus is set.


void endTransaction()

Terminates the use of the bus; releases the SPI select pin.

transfer(), transfer16(), transfer32()

inline uint8_t transfer(uint8_t data)
inline uint16_t transfer16(uint16_t data)
inline uint32_t transfer32(uint32_t data)

Reads and writes the bus. transfer() transfers 8 bits, transfer16() transfers 16 bits, and transfer32() transfers 32 bits.
