
PAL AMBIENT SENSE PAL is used to acquire sensor values.

  • [BEHAVIOR] (./) is used to describe the Parent Node Child Node.

  • The sensor is described directly using Wire instead of using the board behavior function to obtain values.

  • Child Nodes are described by a state machine.

This sample shows how to write BEHAVIOR. BEHAVIORS are used to describe more complex applications.


  • Uses the environmental sensor PAL AMBIENT SENSE PAL to acquire sensor values.

  • Use the sleep function to operate with coin cell batteries.

How to use ACT

Preparation for TWELITE


Parent Node

Child Node

When using PAL as the Parent Node, coin cell batteries cannot be used. As a rule of thumb, prepare a power supply environment that can provide a stable current of 50 mA or more.

File Structure

  • PAL_AMB-behavior.hpp : Only setup() is defined. read DIP-SW and if D1..D3 is upper position, it works as Parent Node, otherwise it sets ID corresponding to DIP SW as Child Node.

  • Parent/myAppBhvParent.hpp : behavior class definition for Parent Node

  • Parent/myAppBhvParent.cpp : implementation

  • Parent/myAppBhvParent-handlers.cpp : implementation of handlers

  • Parent/myAppBhvParent.hpp : behavior class definition for Child Nodes

  • Parent/myAppBhvParent.cpp : implementation

  • Parent/myAppBhvParent-handlers.cpp : implementation of handlers

The Parent Node's BEHAVIOR name is <MY_APP_PARENT> and the Child Node is <MY_APP_CHILD>.

Build files can be added by Makefile description /... /install_n_build/

Initialization setup()

// now read DIP sw status can be read.
u8ID = (brd.get_DIPSW_BM() & 0x07);

// Register App Behavior (set differnt Application by DIP SW settings)
if (u8ID == 0) {
	// put settings to the twelite main object.
		<< TWENET::appid(APP_ID)     // set application ID (identify network group)
		<< TWENET::channel(CHANNEL)  // set channel (pysical channel)
		<< TWENET::rx_when_idle();   // open RX channel<MY_APP_PARENT>();
} else {		
	// put settings to the twelite main object.
		<< TWENET::appid(APP_ID)     // set application ID (identify network group)
		<< TWENET::channel(CHANNEL); // set channel (pysical channel)<MY_APP_CHILD>();

If the DIP SW reading is 0, register the behavior <MY_APP_PARENT> for the Parent Node, otherwise register the behavior <MY_APP_CHILD> for the Child Node.

If the Parent Node is MONOSTICK, the DIP SW for PAL reads 0 and behaves as the Parent Node. However, this behavior is not defined in the MONOSTICK specifications.

Parent Node BEHAVIOR

The Parent Node behaves as a non-sleeping receiver and outputs packet information to the serial port when it receives a packet from a Child Node.


void MY_APP_PARENT::receive(mwx::packet_rx& rx) {
	uint8_t msg[4];
	uint32_t lumi;
	uint16_t u16temp, u16humid;

	// expand packet payload (shall match with sent packet data structure, see pack_bytes())
	auto&& np = expand_bytes(rx.get_payload().begin(), rx.get_payload().end(), msg);
	// if PING packet, respond pong!
	if (!strncmp((const char*)msg, (const char*)FOURCHARS, 4)) {
		// get rest of data
		expand_bytes(np, rx.get_payload().end(), lumi, u16temp, u16humid);

		// print them
		Serial << format("Packet(%x:%d/lq=%d/sq=%d): ",
							rx.get_addr_src_long(), rx.get_addr_src_lid(),
							rx.get_lqi(), rx.get_psRxDataApp()->u8Seq)
			   << "temp=" << double(int16_t(u16temp)/100.0)
			   << "C humid=" << double(int16_t(u16humid)/100.0)
			   << "% lumi=" << int(lumi)
			   << mwx::crlf << mwx::flush;

When a packet is received for the Parent Node, if the first four characters of the packet can be matched (FOURCHARS), the contents of the packet are displayed.


MWX_TICKTIMER_INT(uint32_t arg, uint8_t& handled) {
  // blink LED
    ((millis() >> 9) & 1) ? PIN_STATE::HIGH : PIN_STATE::LOW);

The Parent Node's interrupt handler blinks the LED.


MWX_DIO_EVENT(PAL_AMB::PIN_BTN, uint32_t arg) {
	Serial << "Button Pressed" << mwx::crlf;
	static uint32_t u32tick_last;
	uint32_t tick = millis();

	if (tick - u32tick_last > 100) {
		PEV_Process(E_ORDER_KICK, 0UL);

	u32tick_last = tick;

When the button (5) on the PAL is pressed, the E_ORDER_KICK event is issued to the state machine.


The state machine is described as a reference for state transitions and is not meaningful for the operation of the application. It executes state transitions by the E_ORDER_KICK event sent from the button, timeouts, and so on.

BEHAVIOR of Child Node

The behavior flow of the Child Node is the same as that of the PAL_AMB-usenap. From the initial sleep, "wake up → start sensor operation → short sleep → wake up → acquire sensor value → wireless transmission → wait for wireless transmission completion → sleep" is repeated.


void _begin() {
    // sleep immediately.
    Serial << "..go into first sleep (1000ms)" << mwx::flush;

The _begin() function, called from on_begin(), executes the first sleep.

(*It is acceptable to describe this process directly in on_begin() without describing it in _begin() function.)


void wakeup(uint32_t & val) {
    Serial << mwx::crlf << "..wakeup" << mwx::crlf;
    // init wire device.
    // turn on LED
    digitalWrite(PAL_AMB::PIN_LED, PIN_STATE::LOW);

    // KICK it!
    PEV_Process(E_ORDER_KICK, 0); // pass the event to state machine

This is a description of the process of waking up from sleep.

The first time Wire.begin() is executed here, which is redundant for the second and later times when the device wakes from sleep. This process can be moved to on_begin().


void transmit_complete(mwx::packet_ev_tx& txev) {
    Serial << "..txcomp=" << int(txev.u8CbId) << mwx::crlf;
    PEV_Process(E_ORDER_KICK, txev.u8CbId); // pass the event to state machine

Processes E_ORDER_KICK messages to the state machine upon completion of transmission.


static const uint8_t STATE_IDLE = E_MWX::STATE_0;
static const uint8_t STATE_SENSOR = E_MWX::STATE_1;
static const uint8_t STATE_TX = E_MWX::STATE_2;
static const uint8_t STATE_SLEEP = E_MWX::STATE_3;

Defines the state name.


MWX_APIRET MY_APP_CHILD::shtc3_start()

This is an example of sensor acquisition implementation for SHTC3. For details on sending commands, etc., refer to the SHTC3 datasheet.


MWX_APIRET MY_APP_CHILD::ltr308als_read()
MWX_APIRET MY_APP_CHILD::ltr308als_start()
static MWX_APIRET WireWriteAngGet(uint8_t addr, uint8_t cmd)

This is an example of LTR308ALS sensor acquisition implementation. Please refer to the LTR308ALS datasheet for details on sending commands, etc.

WireWriteAndGet() sends 1 byte of cmd to the device of addr, then receives 1 byte and returns the value.


MWX_STATE(MY_APP_CHILD::STATE_IDLE, uint32_t ev, uint32_t evarg) {
	if (PEV_is_coldboot(ev,evarg)) {
		Serial << "[STATE_IDLE:START_UP(" << int(evarg) << ")]" << mwx::crlf;
		// then perform the first sleep at on_begin().
	} else
	if (PEV_is_warmboot(ev,evarg)) {
		Serial << "[STATE_IDLE:START_UP(" << int(evarg) << ")]" << mwx::crlf;

State 0 has a special meaning. It is the state immediately after startup or after returning from sleep.

Immediately after startup PEV_is_coldboot(ev,evarg) judgment becomes true and is called. Since it goes straight to sleep from on_begin(), it does not contain any code that transitions the state. **At this point, the major initialization has not yet been completed, so complex processing such as sending wireless packets cannot be performed. **In order to perform the first state transition for such processing, send an event from on_begin() and perform the state transition according to that event.

After returning from sleep, there is a first call to PEV_is_warmboot(ev,evarg) which will be true. A call to PEV_SetState() will transition to the STATE_SENSOR state.


MWX_STATE(MY_APP_CHILD::STATE_SENSOR, uint32_t ev, uint32_t evarg) {
	if (ev == E_EVENT_NEW_STATE) {
		Serial << "[STATE_SENSOR:NEW] Start Sensor." << mwx::crlf;

		// start sensor capture

		// take a nap waiting finish of capture.
		Serial << "..nap for 66ms" << mwx::crlf;
		PEV_KeepStateOnWakeup(); // stay this state on waking up.
		the_twelite.sleep(66, false, false, TWENET::SLEEP_WAKETIMER_SECONDARY);
	} else
	if (PEV_is_warmboot(ev,evarg)) {
		// on wakeup, code starts here.
		Serial << "[STATE_SENSOR:START_UP] Wakeup." << mwx::crlf;


When the transition is made from STATE_IDLE after returning from sleep, the state handler for STATE_SENSOR is called continuously. The event ev at this time is E_EVENT_NEW_STATE.

Here, the operation of two sensors, SHTC3 and LTR308ALS, is started. After a certain period of time, the sensors will be ready to acquire data. This time wait is done with the sleep setting of 66ms. Note that PEV_KeepStateOnWakeup() is called before sleep. After this call, the state after returning from sleep is not STATE_IDLE, but the state it was in when it went to sleep, i.e. STATE_SENSOR.

When returning from a short sleep, a call is first made with the PEV_is_warmboot(ev,evarg) decision set to true. At the time of this call, wireless packets can be sent, etc. Transition to STATE_TX.


MWX_STATE(MY_APP_CHILD::STATE_TX, uint32_t ev, uint32_t evarg)
	static int u8txid;

	if (ev == E_EVENT_NEW_STATE) {
		Serial << "[STATE_TX:NEW]" << mwx::crlf;
		u8txid = -1;

		auto&& r1 = shtc3_read();
		auto&& r2 = ltr308als_read();

		Serial << "..shtc3 t=" << int(i16Temp) << ", h=" << int(i16Humd) << mwx::crlf;
		Serial << "..ltr308als l=" << int(u32Lumi) << mwx::crlf;

		if (r1 && r2) {
			if (auto&& pkt =<NWK_SIMPLE>().prepare_tx_packet()) {

Here, at the time of the E_EVENT_NEW_STATE event, the sensor data reading and wireless packet transmission procedures are started. Please refer to other act sample examples for details of the transmission procedure.

void transmit_complete(mwx::packet_ev_tx& txev) {
    Serial << "..txcomp=" << int(txev.u8CbId) << mwx::crlf;
    PEV_Process(E_ORDER_KICK, txev.u8CbId); // pass the event to state machine

    // ↓ ↓ ↓ Send a message

} else if (ev == E_ORDER_KICK && evarg == uint32_t(u8txid)) {
		Serial << "[STATE_TX] SUCCESS TX(" << int(evarg) << ')' << mwx::crlf;

Unlike the ACT description in the loop, the process of waiting for the message by PEV_Process() from transmit_complete() is used as a confirmation of completion. Sleep is performed upon receipt of the message. Sleep processing is done by transitioning to STATE_SLEEP.

	if (PEV_u32Elaspsed_ms() > 100) {
		// does not finish TX!
		Serial << "[STATE_TX] FATAL, TX does not finish!" << mwx::crlf << mwx::flush;

Finally, timeout processing is performed. This is in case the completion message of the sent packet has not been returned. PEV_u32Elaspsed_ms() returns the elapsed time since the transition to that state in milliseconds [ms]. If the time has elapsed, the above will perform a system reset the_twelite.reset_system() (assuming this timeout is too much).


MWX_STATE(MY_APP_CHILD::STATE_SLEEP, uint32_t ev, uint32_t evarg) {
	if (ev == E_EVENT_NEW_STATE) {
		Serial << "..sleep for 5000ms" << mwx::crlf;
		digitalWrite(PAL_AMB::PIN_LED, PIN_STATE::HIGH);

		the_twelite.sleep(5000); // regular sleep

Perfom sleep. Describe it in E_EVENT_NEW_STATE immediately after the transition from the previous state. Since other events may be called just before sleep, be sure to execute the_twelite.sleep() in a decision expression that is executed only once.
