TWELITE Reads and writes to the built-in EEPROM of the wireless microcontroller.

The built-in EEPROM has 3480 bytes available from address 0x000 to 0xEFF.

The first part is Settings (Interactive settings mode), so it is recommended to use the second half of the address when used together. The amount of space consumed by the settings (Interactive settings mode) depends on its implementation. Even with minimal settings, up to 256 bytes are used from the beginning, so use of the later addresses is recommended.



uint8_t read(uint16_t address)

Read the data corresponding to address from EEPROM.

No error detection.


void write(uint16_t address, uint8_t value)

Write value from EEPROM to address.

No error detection.


void update(uint16_t address, uint8_t value)

This function is used when you want to reduce the number of rewrites in consideration of the rewrite life of EEPROM.


auto&& get_stream_helper()
// The return type is abbreviated as auto&& due to its length.

Obtain a helper object to read and write using mwx::stream described below.


stream_helper helper object mwx::stream operators and methods. Using mwx::stream, you can read and write integer types such as uint16_t and uint32_t types, read and write fixed-length array types such as uint8_t, and format them using format() objects.

auto&& strm = EEPROM.get_stream_helper();
// Helper object type names are resolved by auto&& due to their length.

Interfaces defined in mwx::stream, such as the << operator, can be used on this object.; // Move to 1024th byte

strm << format("%08x", 12345678); // Record 12345678 as 8 characters in hexadecimal
strm << uint32_t(0x12ab34cd);     // Record 4 bytes of 0x12ab34cd
uint8_t msg_hello[16] = "HELLO WORLD!";
strm << msg_hello;                // Record "HELLO WORLD!" byte sequence (unterminated)

// result
// 0400: 30 30 62 63 36 31 34 65 12 ab 34 cd 48 45 4c 4c
//        0  0  b  c  6  1  4  e  0x12ab34cd  H  E  L  L
// 0410: 4f 20 57 4f 52 4c 44 21 00 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff
//        O SP  W  O  R  L  D  ! 

.seek() is used to move the EEPROM address to 1024.

The above writes an 8-byte string (00bc614e), a 4-byte integer (0x12ab34cd), a 16-byte byte string (HELLO WORLD!.... ), and a 1-byte terminating character.;

uint8_t msg1[8];
strm >> msg1;
Serial << crlf << "MSG1=" << msg1;
// MSG1=00bc614e

uint32_t var1;
strm >> var1;
Serial << crlf << "VAR1=" << format("%08x", var1);
// VAR1=12ab34cd

uint8_t msg2[16]; // "HELLO WORLD!"の文字数
strm >> msg2;
Serial << crlf << "MSG2=" << msg2;

Move the EEPROM address to 1024 using .seek().

Reads the data sequence written out earlier. In order, 8-byte characters, 4-byte integers, and 16-byte strings are read out using the >> operator.
