
stream_helper is a helper object that grants the mwx::stream interface. It creates a helper object that references a data class and performs data input/output via the helper object.

The following creates a helper object bs from an array b of smplbufs and inputs data using the mwx::stream::operator <<() operator.

smplbuf_u8<32> b;
auto&& bs = b.get_stream_helper(); // helper object

// Data String Generation
uint8_t FOURCHARS[]={'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'};
bs << ';';
bs << uint32_t(0x30313233); // "0123"
bs << format(";%d", 99);

Serial << b << crlf; // Output to Serial via smplbuf_u8<32> class

//result: ABCD;0123;99


stream_helper behaves as if the data array were a stream.

Internally, it holds read/write positions in the data array. It behaves as follows.

  • After the last data is read or written, it moves to the next read/write position.

  • After the last data is read or data is appended to the end, the read/write position becomes the end.

  • If the read/write position is the end of the line, then

    • available() becomes false.

    • Read cannot be performed.

    • Writing is appended if it is within the writable range.

generating stream_helper

stream_helper is a data class (smplbuf, EEPROM) member functions.

auto&& obj_helper = obj.get_stream_helper()
// obj is an object of data class, obj_helper type is accepted by auto&& because it is long.



void rewind()

Moves the read/write position to the beginning.


int seek(int offset, int whence = MWX_SEEK_SET)

Set the read/write position.

Set the location


set from the leading position. If offset is 0, it means the same as rewind().


Move by offset with respect to the current position.


end position. Setting offset to 0 sets the end position. If -1 is set, it moves to the last character.


int tell()

Returns the read/write position. Returns -1 for the end position.


int available()

Returns 0 if the read/write position is the end. If it is not the end, it returns any other value.
