This board BEHAVIOR assumes the same wiring as the standard application App_Twelite. It has constant definitions and readout functions for M1-M3 and BPS pins.


The following constants are defined. BRD_APPTWELITE::PIN_DI1.

static const uint8_t PIN_DI1 = mwx::PIN_DIGITAL::DIO12;
static const uint8_t PIN_DI2 = mwx::PIN_DIGITAL::DIO13;
static const uint8_t PIN_DI3 = mwx::PIN_DIGITAL::DIO11;
static const uint8_t PIN_DI4 = mwx::PIN_DIGITAL::DIO16;

static const uint8_t PIN_DO1 = mwx::PIN_DIGITAL::DIO18;
static const uint8_t PIN_DO2 = mwx::PIN_DIGITAL::DIO19;
static const uint8_t PIN_DO3 = mwx::PIN_DIGITAL::DIO4;
static const uint8_t PIN_DO4 = mwx::PIN_DIGITAL::DIO9;

static const uint8_t PIN_M1 = mwx::PIN_DIGITAL::DIO10;
static const uint8_t PIN_M2 = mwx::PIN_DIGITAL::DIO2;
static const uint8_t PIN_M3 = mwx::PIN_DIGITAL::DIO3;
static const uint8_t PIN_BPS = mwx::PIN_DIGITAL::DIO17;

static const uint8_t PIN_AI1 = mwx::PIN_ANALOGUE::A1;
static const uint8_t PIN_AI2 = mwx::PIN_ANALOGUE::A3;
static const uint8_t PIN_AI3 = mwx::PIN_ANALOGUE::A2;
static const uint8_t PIN_AI4 = mwx::PIN_ANALOGUE::A4;


Methods are provided to obtain the values of the DIP SW (M1 M2 M3 BPS) pins.

inline uint8_t get_M1()
inline uint8_t get_M2()
inline uint8_t get_M3()
inline uint8_t get_BPS()
inline uint8_t get_DIPSW_BM()

The return value is not HIGH or LOW, but 0 means that the switch is not set (HIGH side) and 1 means that the switch is set (LOW side).

get_DIPSW_BM() returns the value of M1, M2, M3 and BPS pins in order from bit0.

This value is checked at system startup and is not updated by operating the switch thereafter.
