Reads and writes the SPI bus (as Controller).

Reads and writes the SPI bus (as Controller).



const uint8_t SPI_CONF::MSBFIRST

MSB as the first bit

const uint8_t SPI_CONF::LSBFIRST

make LSB the first bit

const uint8_t SPI_CONF::SPI_MODE0

set SPI MODE 0

const uint8_t SPI_CONF::SPI_MODE1

set to SPI MODE 1

const uint8_t SPI_CONF::SPI_MODE2

set to SPI MODE 2

const uint8_t SPI_CONF::SPI_MODE3

set to SPI MODE 3

Initialization and termination

The procedure for using the SPI bus depends on the begin() method.

Reads and writes the SPI bus (MASTER).


void begin(uint8_t slave_select, SPISettings settings)
SPISettings(uint32_t clock, uint8_t bitOrder, uint8_t dataMode)

Initialize hardware.

This process is also required after sleep recovery.



Specify the SPI slave select pin to be used. 0 : DIO19, 1 : DIO0 (DIO 19 is reserved), 2 : DIO1 (DIO 0,19 is reserved)


Specifies the SPI bus setting. The clock[hz] specifies the SPI bus frequency. A divisor closer to the specified frequency will be selected: 16Mhz or 16Mhz divided by an even number. bitOrder specifies SPI_CONF::MSBFIRST or SPI_CONF::LSBFIRST. dataMode specifies SPI_CONF::SPIMODE0..3.


void setup() {
  SPI.begin(0, SPISettings(2000000, SPI_CONF::MSBFIRST, SPI_CONF::SPI_MODE3));

void wakeip() {
  SPI.begin(0, SPISettings(2000000, SPI_CONF::MSBFIRST, SPI_CONF::SPI_MODE3));


void end()

Terminate the use of SPI hardware.

Reading and Writing

There are two types of read/write procedures. Select and use one of them.
