Creating a new project

Creating a new project

To create a new project, copy the folder of an already existing sample act with a different name and edit the file name.

The destination folder does not have to be a folder under the MWSDK. However, the folder name must not contain any whitespace characters or Japanese names.

The file structure of the project is as follows (we'll use PingPong as an example)

    +-PingPong.cpp   : ACT file
    +-build          : build dir
    +-.vscode        : setting fils for VSCode    

Copy this PingPong folder to another location (but without Japanese characters or spaces in the folder name).

    +-PingPong.cpp -> AplhaBravo.cpp (Note: Changed file name)
    +-build          : build dir
    +-.vscode        : setting files for VSCode

The only thing you need to edit is the file name PingPong.cpp. Change it to AlphaBravo.cpp, the same as the folder name.

Run build\build-BLUE.cmd and if a BIN file is generated, it' is done (Windows 10).

On Linux/macOS, run make TWELITE=BLUE to see if the build succeeds.

Edit Build Definition

To add files to be built, edit build/Makefile. The .c .cpp files directly under the project will be added automatically, but other files will need to be edited.

See Makefile Description for how to edit the file.。

Configuration for VSCode

If you use VSCode, edit the definition under .vscode as necessary.

Most of the examples included in the TWELITE STAGE SDK are as follows

  • The source code for the TWELITE STAGE SDK library cites ${env:MWSDK_TWENET_LIBSRC}/include/** ${env:MWSDK_TWENET_LIBSRC}/src/**. This environment variable MWSDK_TWENET_LIBSRC is automatically set when the project is opened in VSCode from the TWELITE STAGE app.

  • For the build task, no additional options such as -D are set by default.
