// very simple class to control state used in loop().
template <typename STATE>
class SM_SIMPLE {
uint32_t _u32_flag_value; // optional data when flag is set.
uint32_t _ms_start; // system time when start waiting.
uint32_t _ms_timeout; // timeout duration
STATE _step; // current state
STATE _step_prev; // previous state
bool_t _b_flag; // flag control.
// init
void setup() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(SM_SIMPLE)); }
// call befoer sleeping (save state machine status)
void on_sleep(bool b_save_state = false) {
STATE save = _step;
if(b_save_state) _step = _step_prev = save;
// state control
void next(STATE next) { _step = next; } // set next state
STATE state() { return _step; } // state number
bool b_more_loop() { // if state is changed during the loop, set true
if (_step != _step_prev) { _step_prev = _step; return true; }
else return false;
// timeout control
void set_timeout(uint32_t timeout) {
_ms_start = millis();
_ms_timeout = timeout;
bool is_timeout() { return (millis() - _ms_start) >= _ms_timeout; }
// flag control
void clear_flag() { _b_flag = false; _u32_flag_value = 0; }
void set_flag(uint32_t u32_flag_value = 0) {
_b_flag = true;
_u32_flag_value = u32_flag_value; }
uint32_t get_flag_value() { return _u32_flag_value; }
bool is_flag_ready() { return _b_flag; }